"I turned to GrapeCity products when competitive offerings did not work for us. Our product is a spreadsheet based application with heavy reporting features. We tried to use Crystal Reports but its user interface was terrible and support nonexistent. The moment we switched to Data Dynamics Reports, I knew we had a winner - it was 1000% better than Crystal Reports.
Similarly, we replaced Infragistics UltraGrid tool with Spread for Windows and had a similar experience: dramatic improvement in performance, features, and coding efficiency. In both cases, we've gotten timely feedback from the support forums.
I've been very pleased with these products and look forward to continued new releases."
Robert Ripp
Chief Executive Officer
Fintelligent, LLC
Full Case Study.
Customer testimonials, case studies, news, awards about ActiveReports, Data Dynamics Reports and ActiveAnalysis, award-winning .NET Reporting, OLAP, Data Visualization and Business Intelligence (BI) Tools and components by GrapeCity for Microsoft Silverlight, Windows Azure, Windows Forms & ASP.NET. For more information, visit http://www.gcpowertools.com